Thursday, October 1, 2020

If it Still Hurts.....


One of the realities of living in this broken world is pain and heartache.  We just cannot avoid it; sadly it's inevitable.  For some the pain is physical and results from obvious disabilities or wounds.  For the majority the pain is inside, hidden from the world, and we all carry it in some form or another. To recognise and acknowledge our pain takes honesty, but to be willing to deal with it takes great courage. It also takes time and a willingness to be vulnerable which can be very uncomfortable.

When we watch the news today the pain of people is 'in our face' in so many ways.  It's seen in famine and plague, in wars and violence, in domestic violence and murder and suicide.  People are in pain and people in pain often cause pain to others. One author said, "Hurting people hurt (other) people."  It's so true.

As I watched the victims of the March 2019 mosque shootings in Christchurch address the shooter in court, there was one woman who stood out to me.  She was the one who spoke honestly but kindly and obviously understood the pain (or anger) behind the shooter's actions.  She was willing to forgive, and that was a huge mountain to have climbed. She will have found great peace through her willingness to forgive.

Forgiveness is the absolute key to being freed from our pain. Perhaps a parable that Jesus told (Matthew 18:23-35) explains how forgiveness works. Do read this passage for yourself but I'll give you a summary..... A man owed the king a HUGE debt, the king called the debt in, the man begged for more time to pay, instead, the king forgave him the whole debt.  The forgiven man went out and and found another man who owed him a small debt; he took him by the throat and demanded instant payment of the debt.  Not only that he had the man thrown into prison until the whole debt could be paid!  When the servants of the king heard what had happened they were angry and reported back to the king.  The king called the forgiven man in, called him an 'evil servant' and said, "Shouldn't you have had mercy as I had mercy on you?"  The king then sent the man to prison to be 'tortured until he could pay the full debt'.

This story illustrates how freely God is willing to forgive those who come to Him for mercy, but He also expects that we should in turn show mercy to those who are indebted to us - those who have wounded us.  If we don't, or won't, offer the same forgiveness to others, the result will be that we suffer the torture of unresolved pain. Often the answer to our freedom from pain is in our own hands.  Do yourself a favour and forgive.  

Heavenly Father, I thank you that you have forgiven me much.  Help me I pray to forgive those who have hurt me.  Grant me your grace to forgive from my heart.  In Jesus' name. Amen

For an excellent perspective on this topic check this link out at the Desiring God website....