Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Keys To Growth - 7

      Rejoice in the Lord always.  Again I will say, rejoice!  Philippians 4:4

It is easy to read this passage and agree when life is going well and we have plenty to rejoice and be thankful for, but it is quite a different story to rejoice when everything is crashing around you and life seems out of control.  However, I have a feeling that it was for exactly those times that Paul wrote this.  He was a normal person. He wrote in another place that he knew how to "do it tough and how to live well".  He was used to the ups and downs of life.  He suffered more in his life than most of us ever will.

At the time Paul wrote these words he was a prisoner, probably in Rome, not free to come and go, no freedom to travel and encourage the churches as he loved to do.  He didn't know what his future would be and yet he had a key to contentment..... rejoice in the Lord always.  Not now and again, not when things are great, but always, no matter what life's circumstances at that particular time. Though he was in prison Paul didn't let it prevent him from continuing in his ministry.  He wrote letters and received whoever was allowed to come visit him. His life continued to be useful and we still read his 'prison letters' today. 

Why do we need to rejoice? Because to be able to rejoice in a time of trial shows maturity and a level of trust in God's faithfulness.  It means that you are growing, and that's always a good thing! It was in Philippi a few years before, that Paul wrote this letter. He and Silas had been severely beaten and thrown into prison for their faith. Their feet were fastened in stocks - all their freedom taken from them.  Yet in Acts 16:25 we read, "about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them."  Here they were in great pain yet they chose to demonstrate trust in God by singing hymns.  In the midst of their songs the prison doors flew open and everybody's chains were loosed.  Go read the story.

When we choose to rejoice (and sing) in a situation that is difficult, we release our faith and our 'chains' are loosed.  Not only that, people around us will see and they too can experience release from bondage and darkness through our demonstration of faith.  It happened then and it can still happen today.  We are urged in Ephesians 4:15 to "grow up in all things", that includes learning to rejoice always.  Let's do it!

Prayer:  Faithful Lord, thank you for the example and the exhortation of your servant Paul.  Help me to rejoice and be thankful even when life deals me difficulties.  Amen