Have you noticed how often the Apostle Paul refers to grace in his letters to the churches and his spiritual children? It is very often; did you wonder why? I had noticed but I hadn't given it much thought until now.
I thought about Paul's previous life as a zealous Pharisee, out to cut off the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ at all costs. How he mercilessly went out to round up the believers and throw them in jail knowing that they would get what he thought they deserved. Then suddenly he has an encounter with the gentle, uncondemning gracious presence of the living Christ and all is changed.
Paul encountered grace in it's strongest form and he was changed. When we encounter God's grace it changes us too. We realise how needy we are of forgiveness and grace and we become new.
In 2 Timothy 2:1 Paul encourages the young minister to 'Be strong in the grace that is in Jesus Christ." This grace is goodwill, lovingkindness and favour that we receive from God and Paul realises that unless we hold strongly to that grace, we are unable to offer the same grace to others.
Paul then goes on to warn Timothy that troubles will come, as they do to all of us. Standing strong in the knowledge of God's grace and lovingkindness towards us will help to to be strong in the midst of hardship. It will enable us to commit ourselves and our circumstances to God who we know loves us and wants only our best. What great comfort that brings us.
How do we stay strong in this grace? By believing which of course is faith. When we trust someone implicitly we are able to trust them in the midst of things we don't understand. We might fuss and cry and stomp our feet in frustration, but remembering God's grace toward us will help us to centre our trust upon him and his faithfulness once again.
Receive the grace of God afresh each day for whatever may come. It will allow the fruit of the Holy Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control to manifest in your life. In 2 Peter 1:8 we are given encouragement to allow these things to grow and mature in our lives so that we will not be barren or unfruitful in our Lord Jesus Christ.
If the grace of God is active in our lives we cannot but help to have the peace of God spilling over in blessing to others. I certainly want that in my life. I hope you do too.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you so much for the grace that you have poured out upon my life through your salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Please help me to grow strong in this grace and allow it to glorify you in my life. Amen