Feeling "wobbly" can take different forms, none of which are very comfortable. We all like to feel strong, well, in control, all together....... Feeling wobbly makes us feel vulnerable which is very uncomfortable and sometimes scary. A couple of times lately I have had a short period of feeling wobbly in the head which made me stop short and hold on. For someone who is blessed with good health that's a bit of a challenge in the moment.
It's possible to feel wobbly emotionally and in this crazy, almost out of control world it's sad, but not surprising to see the prevalence of emotional problems. So many things can shake us and it often doesn't even have to be caused by what's happening to us, but as we care about the stresses and strains of others we can get thrown off balance.
As part of the prayer ministry of our church I am very aware of the 'curved balls' that get thrown at people to cause them to stumble, feel vulnerable, weak, helpless and broken. I take heart that many people know they can ask others to stand with them in prayer.
For those who are afraid of feeling wobbly, please don't be. There can be a great purpose in it. The Holy Spirit drew my attention this morning to Matthew 5:3....blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. In another version it says 'God blesses those who are poor and realise their need for him, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.' NLT. I had often struggled over this verse and really wanted a better understanding of what it was to be poor in spirit. This morning I felt a bit vulnerable in my spirit, very much in need of God to strengthen me. I realised that being poor in spirit is knowing that you are wobbly and need God to help you stand strong.
The world values strong and secure people, but these people are the poorer because they often don't realise their need for God. They don't understand that this life is just a season in the whole of eternity, a time when we get the opportunity to choose and prepare for the next bit, the best bit. And prepare we must, for the Bible teaches without apology that there are only two destinations and we get to choose our own destination by admitting that we need God and choosing faith in Jesus Christ.....or not! I assure you that here is no 'nothingness' after death, it's either all good or wholly bad. Your choice.
Value your vulnerability, your wobbliness, it will cause you to draw near to God and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8). If you are already a believer experiencing those wobbly feelings, value them too for they are God's means of drawing you near to him for strength and growth.
PRAYER: Lord God, help me to recognise when you are at work in me through weakness, remembering that the Apostle Paul said of himself, 'when I am weak, then I am strong'. My strength needs to be from you. Help me to lean into you and find strength today. Amen