Sunday, August 12, 2018


                                                                                                                                                            Charlie Mackesy

A little over a month ago I wrote of the agonising wait to see whether the group of Thai footballers and their coach would be rescued successfully from what was an almost impossible situation. We now know that our prayers were answered and each one was saved and restored to joyful, thankful families.  

However the life of one diver was lost in this rescue attempt.  What an amazing gift he gave by putting himself in danger for these boys.  How thankful we are for such selfless giving. This man (and the many other rescuers), thought not of the danger to himself but of the agony of the waiting parents.  He wanted to bring those boys back to their families and be a part of their joy.  

 It reminds me of another who did the same for each one of us. In Hebrews 12:2 it says that "Jesus.... for the joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of God."  It didn't stop there, he now sits at God's right hand pleading the case of those who believe and trust in him. Romans 8:34.

Jesus told a story that many can relate to in one way or another.  It was about the son of a farmer who got fed up with farm life and asked for his inheritance money so that he could go off to the city for the 'good life'.  As the story goes this young man had a great time partying, living it up, sleeping with prostitutes.....until his money ran out.  He found himself a job.....looking after pigs. He was so hungry he wanted to eat their food until one day he came to his senses.  "What am I doing here?" he asked himself.  "Even the servants in my father's house live better than this.  I'll go back to my father and ask if I can just be a servant.  I'm not worthy to be his son."  

So he pulled his ragged self up and headed home in shame.  What he didn't know was that every day since he'd left home his father had watched for his return.  One day when he saw the familiar figure of his son but he was dishevelled and dirty.  The father did something very uncultural for that time.  He ran to his son and embraced him.  No recriminations, just a great big welcome.  He didn't punish him and put him in the servants' quarters, he put a ring on his hand, gave him clean clothes and threw him a party.  He was part of the family again.

Why do I tell this story?  Because maybe you need to come home to your Father.  Have you turned your back on God, gone your own way, pleased yourself.  God allows us free will, He will never force us to do things His way.  Proverbs 16:25 says that there is a way that seems right to a person but that way ends in death.  You can follow your own thoughts, ideas, philosophies but only God's way will lead to joy because it's only in God's presence that you can find fullness of joy and eternal life. Psalm 16:11.  Your Heavenly Father is waiting to welcome you home.

PRAYER: Father forgive me for going my own way and ignoring your wisdom.  I choose to turn to you and ask you to help me to walk in your ways which are good and lead to joy and life.  I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ who died in my place to forgive my sin. Amen