Saturday, March 25, 2017

Stuff Happens

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 ESV

Three weeks ago life changed!  My sister, Jenny (pictured) and I were planning a lovely time away at a women's retreat.  However, it didn't quite happen as we planned it because a couple of days before we were to leave Jenny broke her ankle quite badly and ended up in hospital for a week.  I am so thankful that I was nearby and could run to keep her company and call an ambulance (a new experience for me).  As she lay on the floor I prayed, "God, your word says that you can cause all things to work together for the good of those who love you and and have been called according to your purpose. Would you please bring something good out of this."

I'm sure there will be things that God will do through this event, going forward, that I won't know about, but already I have seen that God is using this in a good way for another family member.  Also we have had the pleasure of being able to care for Jenny in our home in her time of recovery.  She is such a great patient.....for which I am VERY thankful!!  I am sure God is teaching me too!  I haven't had to be in a caring role before.

A major benefit for those who love and walk with God, is that we can always know that he is with us  and is able to bring good out of something that seems to be a disaster.  That is a great and comforting thought to have in any difficult situation.  We can look up and say "Okay God, what are you up to in this?"  That is called "trust".  

Do you have a situation in your life right now that you could pray that scripture verse for?  It is not necessary for the negative events in our life to remain just negative events.  If we bring God into them they can become growing and learning situations, bring us into contact with others whom we can influence for Christ by encouraging them and sharing our faith, or any number of other things.  Why not ask God what is wants to do in your situation and you will more than likely have something to praise him for.

Prayer:  Dear Father,  please help me to include you in my difficulties so that I can allow you to bring about your good purposes and give me opportunity to praise you for your goodness. Amen

Saturday, March 4, 2017


........ the burden is too heavy for me.  Numbers 11:14

Do you ever feel like shouting at whoever might listen...."I can't do this any more.  It's just too much for me."?  You won't be alone in your complaint.  There have been many times in my life when I have felt like this and guess what?  I've lived to tell the story!

However, I have never had the load at Moses had to carry......he had hundreds of thousands of complaining people to cope with.  Under instructions from God, who had pity of the Israelites when they cried out for mercy when they were slaves in Egypt. He had brought them out on a journey to the land that God had promised to give to them.

One day their complaining just got too much for Moses. He voiced his complaint to God in no uncertain manner. "How can I carry them to the land you swore to give their ancestors?  Where am I supposed to get meat for all these people? They keep whining to me, saying, ‘Give us meat to eat!’  I can’t carry all these people by myself! The load is far too heavy!  If this is how you intend to treat me, just go ahead and kill me. Do me a favor and spare me this misery!” Numbers 11:11-14 (NLT).

Moses was not afraid to be real with God and God didn't strike him with lightning!  But God had a solution for him.  You see Moses wasn't meant to carry the load alone.  It was meant to be shared.  I can't count the number of times in my life where I have fallen into the trap of not asking for help.  Sometimes we don't realise until we come to breaking point like Moses did...."just kill me Lord!"
Moses did the right thing, he went straight to God for a solution. Moses was meant to be doing what he was doing, he just wasn't meant to be doing it alone.  

Perhaps you find yourself in the similar position today.  The work or ministry you have been doing has become too much for you and you are weary and discouraged; or perhaps it just doesn't seem to 'fit' anymore.  Go to God with an open heart and ask Him what you should do.  Perhaps it is a new season for you and you have 'outgrown' the ministry you have been doing for some time and God wants to grow you in a different way.  When it's time for change God has a way of 'stirring our nest', making us uncomfortable and moving us into the new season.  Don't be afraid.  God will show you what to do and when to do it if you keep your antennae tuned in to Him.

Prayer:  Father God thank you for your faithfulness and love, thank you for your ear which is always open to my cry.  Help me to stay in tune and in step with your Spirit and cast all my cares and burdens on you.  Amen