Friday, January 22, 2016


When the ground soaks up the falling rain and bears a good crop for the farmer, it has God's blessing.  Hebrews 6:7

We have had some much needed and heavy rain overnight.  Yesterday my petunias were smiling at the world from their hanging basket but today they are drooping from the onslaught.  It's strange how something good can also damage and discourage.

Thinking of discouragement, my mind turns to the northern hemisphere and the floods in England.  Then just this week our news showed pictures of a town in Wales which had experienced rain for 81 days in a row.  Enough is enough!   Our weather patterns sure seem to be messed up along with the rest of the world!

It is so easy to smile at the world when the sun is shining but too much sun and dry weather is also a problem bringing drought to the farms, dust storms, danger of easily combustible vegetation and so on. Many of our New Zealand farmers are crying out for rain.  Balance is what we need and for me, that means taking the rain with the sun and being grateful for the benefits of each.

I am very aware of friends who are finding themselves in 'floods' in their lives with struggles, sickness and loss.  It's in these times we find it most difficult to see what possible benefits there could be. Sometimes it is literally impossible to see anything good.  This is where I would simply say, in the words of that beautiful old song...."Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."  Yes, it may sound trite but friends, it is true.  We have to turn our eyes away from our situation and exercise our faith and trust in the One who has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you. " (Hebrews 13:5) and one of my favourite passages from Isaiah 43:2, 3a  (NLT) "When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.  When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.  When you walk through the fire of oppression you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.  For I am the Lord your God." 

We have great promises for rainy days but we have to pull them out and use them like we would  use a raincoat or umbrella to keep us from getting too wet and 'going under'.  The Word, mixed with your faith will do you good.  It is possible for us to 'bear a good crop' from our rain.  We have to look for the work God is doing in us and through us in those difficult times.  Just look at Joseph, Job and Jesus and the 'rains' they endured.  Look at the end result and be press on! Years ago when I was going through a difficult time I wrote this poem.

                     The way ahead’s uncertain
                    There’s a mist before my eyes
                    Of tears I’ve shed through many a night and day
                    And yet I know my Saviour
                    Will make a path for me
                    I’ll walk with Him till sunlight shines again.

Yes, the rain comes to do a work in our lives that, just like the rain outside, will cause growth in character and faith if we will trust Him who is faithful.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father,  thank you for the rain in my life.  I don't always like it but help me to turn my eyes away from the negative and thank you that in the 'rainy' times you are still my God, still faithful and able to sustain and encourage me as I look to you. Amen

Saturday, January 16, 2016


Though the vision is slow in coming to pass, wait for it....  Habakkuk 2:3 

In our retirement village there is a wonderful 90 year old who is tall and straight.  She walks quickly, always using her walking frame for safety. I saw her out and about the other day with coordinating orange coloured cardigan and shoes. Lovely!  I enjoy our little interactions because she is so bright.  She lost her twin sister in the last year and she has said to me on more than one occasion, "I don't know why I'm still here."  I have told her each time, "Nathalie, it's because you still have lots of joy to spread around!"  She is a blessing to be around.  I spent a little time in her home to ask her permission to write about her.  All we did was laugh.  She told me that health wise she has nothing wrong with her.  I told it's because of all the laughter 'medicine' she takes all the time. (Proverbs 17:22)

This reminds me of another old man called Simeon who was waiting to die at the time of Jesus' birth.   In his waiting he continued to be patient and faithful in his devotion to God.  He was waiting for "the consolation of Israel", the Messiah. It had been revealed to him by God that he would not die until he saw the Messiah.  One day, the Spirit of the Lord led Simeon to the temple as Jesus was being presented as the law required, and Simeon recognised his Messiah.  Taking him in his arms he prayed a beautiful prophetic prayer, "Lord now let your servant depart in peace as you promised for my eyes have seen the salvation you promised for all people....." Luke 2:29-32.  This is the only time we hear of this man as far as I know.  His purpose in life had been to make that prophetic announcement of the Messiah in the temple.  His work was done.

For us, "it ain't over till it's over".  God has appointed us for certain tasks and for some they may be later in life when we think we're 'done'.  If you are waiting on the fulfilment of what you have felt God wanted to do through you and it still hasn't happened, keep waiting, in hope, as Simeon did.  Abraham waited, Noah waited, the prophets waited, along with many others.

We realise as we meditate on our eternal God that time is nothing to Him.  He lives in eternity where there is no time and he is infinitely patient in bringing about His purposes because His timing is perfect....always.  Continue to hope in Him, and be faithful in your devotion to God as Simeon was, staying available each day for His purposes.

Prayer:  Eternal Father, faithful and true to your promises, help me to wait patiently and be ready for any task that you have planned for me.  I yield to your timing Lord.  Amen

Thursday, January 7, 2016

What Are You Looking At?

...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.  Hebrews 12:2

Isn't it great when we have friends who are honest enough to call out for prayer.  I know I don't always do it when I should, but my thanks to this dear trooper who is humble enough to do so,   because she is the reason the following thoughts have come to me afresh.

As I prayed for my friend I asked the Lord to give me a verse or some words for her and immediately this verse came to my mind..... fix your eyes upon Jesus.  I also thought about Isaiah 40 which speaks about waiting or trusting in the Lord which will bring new strength to us.  Later in my reading I was led to Psalm 42 which tells the story of a very discouraged and oppressed believer bemoaning his plight and losing his focus.  "Watch this", as Dr Charles Stanley says.....

In Psalm 42 9 the psalmist cries out to God, "Why have you forgotten me? Why must I wander around in grief oppressed by my enemies who scoff at me saying 'where is this God of yours?' Why am I discouraged, why is my heart so sad?"  His eyes were totally on his plight THEN he made a choice.  Verse 11 - "I will put my hope in God!..."  He chose to take his focus off his problems and look at God.  Great choice!

Remember good old Peter calling to Jesus (who came to them in the night walking on the water).  He saw Him but wasn't sure it was Jesus so he said "If it's really you Lord tell me to come to you walking on the water (Matthew 14:28).  Jesus did just what he asked so Peter stepped out of the boat and started walking towards doubt looking at him as he did so.  Only trouble is he lost his focus and with that he lost his nerve because he looked at what he was actually doing, walking on water, and he started to sink.  Only as he reached out for Jesus hand was he kept from going under.

What are you looking at today?  What is your focus?  What is getting your attention?  Is it your problems, circumstances, pain, need.  If it is I challenge you to look to Jesus, make him your focus.  Get into his word with is alive with promise and hope.  Psalm 34:5 struck me many years ago during a time of trial.  In the KJV it says, "They who looked unto him were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed. " The NLT translates it "Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy."

Do you need to change what you are looking at today?

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, forgive me for taking my eyes off you and allowing my circumstances

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Old & New

......The old has gone, the new has come.  2 Corinthians 5:17

I was on the circuit at my Curves gym last week and these words were written on our notice board.  It was too good not to share.  Six things to leave behind as we walk into our new year.  Perhaps one or more of these might strike a chord with you.

The scripture that I have truncated above is actually speaking about our new life in Christ; that when we come to Christ we become a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.  It doesn't mean that all the unhelpful, unhealthy and unholy habits in our life are necessarily gone but they are covered under the atoning blood of Christ - hidden, as it were, from God's judgment.  We are, however, a work in process, and we will continue to be until we move to heaven.

I can look back and have regrets over things that I could have done better.  Does that help me to fix them?  No!  It just makes me feel guilty. I can look back and see disappointments but carrying them into the new year won't take away the disappointment, it may even add anger and bitterness to the mix.  Limiting beliefs?  I realised the other day that I had begun to feel that my spiritually productive life was practically over now that I am heading towards 70!  I had to repent and again commit myself to God's purposes for the future.  I may have a good few years ahead yet so I'd better stay in tune and at the ready for what this year may bring in His service.

Yes, it's time to put these negative things behind us as we walk into a brand new year.  The past has passed, your future is there to be grasped with both hands.  Every day is a new day with new mercies (Lamentations 3:23).  When I vacuum my house I throw the dust and dirt away, I don't keep it to examine it and perhaps respread it so I can clean it up again.  That sounds so ridiculous but that's what some of us do, year after year after year.  Come on friend, get rid of your rubbish at the foot of the cross and walk into 2016 with the joy of knowing that the past is in the past.  Leave it there! Ask Holy Spirit to help you leave it behind and help you to do better in the future, then stop your struggling and striving and get into abiding in the Vine (John 15) and watch new fruit appear.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father thank you for a brand new year, a reminder that your mercy is actually new EVERY morning, not just in the new year.  Help me Holy Spirit to leave the rubbish of failure from each day with you and walk into each new day with you this year knowing that I have a clean sheet.  Thank you so much.  Amen