In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. Romans 12:6
Recently we toured an artistic workshop, a very unprepossessing place that produces all kinds of amazing props for many top movies. It was fascinating to see how things are produced and the minute details that are attended to and to hear how people,computer programmes and amazing machines are used to produce such amazing (and often grotesque) results.
During our tour we came upon the workspace of one man who was crafting an amazingly intricate little warrior of days gone by. This figure was only about 3 inches (7.5 cm) high. He was carving and molding his battle garments and we were in awe of his giftedness. As we spoke with him, the man insisted that no one is gifted and certainly he was not. He said that this was just "a muscle" that he had developed. Anyone could do this. A couple of us begged to differ! I don't know whether he he realised, but he was deceived. God has gifted each one of his creation with a gift or gifts. Yes, they certainly can be developed and honed but we are not all creative or administrative, we can't all sing, write or organise. I am thankful we have people who willingly carry out the menial tasks in our communities that keep our world working well.
I wondered why this man would deny his giftedness, which I believe he was genuine about. He wasn't just being humble. Perhaps he would have had to acknowledge that his gift had come from God and he didn't want to do that. He might have had to consider God. Instead he unknowingly gave glory to his own tenacity to developing a certain "muscle". Romans 1:25 says, They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise!
God has indeed gifted each one of us. If you don't think yours is very obvious to you, ask Him to reveal that to you, explore it with a friend and above all use your gift for the glory of God, giving thanks to Him.
Prayer: Great and mighty creator God I give you thanks and praise for the gifts that you have placed in my life. Please help me to develop them and use them for your glory. Amen.