Tuesday, December 29, 2015


....Just think of how a small flame can set a huge forest ablaze.  James 3:5b TPT

Watching a huge fire rip through a seaside suburb in Victoria, Australia on TV recently. I was reminded of the great power of fire.  It can be stopped only with great skill of the firefighters or a huge deluge of rain.  Its power is amazing and yet it starts with just a spark.  

That is how the apostle James describes the power of the tongue.  In The Passion Translation it reads this way; "And so the tongue is a small part of the body yet it carries great power. Just think of how a small flame can set a huge forest ablaze.  And the tongue is a fire!  It can be compared to the sum total of wickedness and is the most dangerous part of our human body.......It releases a fire that can burn through the course of human existence."  Wow!  Strong and sobering words.

When I was a child (and I am sure I have written this before!), my mother used to encourage me with these words when kids were mean to me, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me."  How good that sounds but how untrue it is.  Words are one of the most destructive weapons there are.  Many of us still suffer from harsh or mean words that were spoken over us during our lives and many of us probably wish we could take back words that we have spoken harshly to others.  We can't do that but we can repent and ask forgiveness from God and whoever we hurt.

If you read on a few verses in James it has more to say about the tongue, but the thing that struck me was "It releases a fire that can burn through the course of human existence."  Many people go to their graves in sadness and degradation because of words that have told them they are no good, they'll never make it, they are stupid, fat or dumb.  

As I meditated on this topic I remembered that God took hold of the tongues of his disciples when he released the Holy Spirit into the world at Pentecost.  Not only that, but tongues of fire appeared above each of them.  (Think about that and let God speak to you.)  The answer for control of the tongue is to allow the Holy Spirit to have control of your life.  He can also cleanse the effect of powerful negative words that have been spoken over you, or that you have spoken over yourself,  as you allow his words of love and affirmation to flow over you as you read your Bible.  I have loved you with an everlasting love....You are chosen and precious...... I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future....   On and on they go.  God believes in you and accepts you.  Allow him to wipe away the power of negative words.  Or, perhaps you are to be who helps someone else to break the power of negative words spoken over their lives.  

Let's go into the new year cleansed of the negative and filled with God's affirmation of love and purpose so that we can fulfil what he has planned for our future.

Prayer:  Wonderful, loving Father, thank you for the great power that is available through you to bring about change in my life and the lives of others.  Forgive me for speaking negative words over my life.  Help me to believe what you say about me.  Please help me to take all that you want to give me so that I can be a channel of your great blessing in the year ahead.  Amen

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Remember His marvellous works.....  1 Chronicles 16:12

One of the marvellous things that God does for us is to give us friends.  A few weeks ago our daughter Cathy had the pleasure of a visit from some wonderful friends from our past which raised some precious and grateful memories for us all.

When we left to serve the Lord in Papua New Guinea in 1977 we always knew that we would have the support of some, then, relatively new friends, Des and Brenda in Auckland.  They had opened their hearts and their home to us.  They also ended up storing some of our 'treasures' for many years. (It's funny to look back and wonder why you thought you might want some of those things again!)

Not only did Brenda faithfully distribute our  'Simmons Snippets' newsletters for the nine years we were in PNG; they also housed us during furlough and holidays, looked after our kids while we did meetings and generally blessed us with their friendship.  We are so thankful to God for the happy memories that we have of our friendship with them and thankful to them for their love and support.

Our last holiday in October and November  included visiting some friends from way back in our lives, some from pre PNG days and others from PNG days.  It reminded me of what a gift friendship is and how blessed we are when people take us into their hearts and homes.  It is truly a gift from God when our hearts are bound together in love, and so worth valuing.

I hope these words stir up for you thankful memories of friends that God has placed in your life, and may it remind us to be faithful to befriend others who God may bring across our path.  There are too many people in our world who need the gift of a friend.  It's something you and I can give.

Christmas is only '3 sleeps away' as I write this and I am reminded of the most wonderful Friend of all that God has given to us in Jesus Christ.  When we receive this special Gift , Jesus calls us His friend (John 15:15).  What an awesome thought it is to know that we are a friend of God.  The God who laid down his life for you and for me so that we might have the hope of 'forever life' with Him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of the many friends that you have given to me over the years.  Help me to remember them with a thankfulness that spurs me on to continue to offer the gift of friendship to others you place in my path.  Thank you most of all for the most amazing gift you gave in Jesus Christ.  May we be ever willing to share the great news of His friendship with our world.  Amen

Saturday, October 24, 2015


In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.  Romans 12:6

Recently we toured an artistic workshop, a very unprepossessing place that produces all kinds of amazing props for many top movies.  It was fascinating to see how things are produced and the minute details that are attended to and to hear how people,computer programmes and amazing machines are used to produce such amazing (and often grotesque) results.

During our tour we came upon the workspace of one man who was crafting an amazingly intricate little warrior of days gone by. This figure was only about 3 inches (7.5 cm) high.  He was carving and molding his battle garments and we were in awe of his giftedness.  As we spoke with him, the man insisted that no one is gifted and certainly he was not.  He said that this was just "a muscle" that he had developed.  Anyone could do this.   A couple of us begged to differ! I don't know whether he he realised, but he was deceived.  God has gifted each one of his creation with a gift or gifts.  Yes, they certainly can be developed and honed but we are not all creative or administrative, we can't all sing, write or organise.  I am thankful we have people who willingly carry out the menial tasks in our communities that keep our world working well.

I wondered why this man would deny his giftedness, which I believe he was genuine about.  He wasn't just being humble.  Perhaps he would have had to acknowledge that his gift had come from God and he didn't want to do that.  He might have had to consider God.  Instead he unknowingly gave glory to his own tenacity to developing a certain "muscle".  Romans 1:25 says, They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise!
God has indeed gifted each one of us.  If you don't think yours is very obvious to you, ask Him to reveal that to you, explore it with a friend and above all use your gift for the glory of God, giving thanks to Him.

Prayer:  Great and mighty creator God I give you thanks and praise for the gifts that you have placed in my life.  Please help me to develop them and use them for your glory.  Amen. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Question

I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I will not be moved.  Psalm 16:8

What gives you peace?  Is it knowing that everything is okay in your world; all your ducks are lined up and everything is under control?  Are you at peace when your job is going well, your kids are doing the right thing and your marriage is working well?

It is relatively easy to be at peace when the waters are calm, the gentle breezes just right, and your boat is sailing well in the summer sun.  But what happens when that unexpected wind gets up, the clouds gather and suddenly you find yourself in the midst of a storm?  A storm of sickness, unfaithfulness,  children getting into trouble, problems at work, ..... the list could be endless.  Perhaps you find yourself in the midst of a storm right now.  How are you faring? To whom do you turn?

It is very easy to feel very alone in the midst of problems but Jesus has promised that if we have put our trust in Him then He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Family or friends might let us down but Jesus never will.  If it's storm time for you then now is the time to step up and allow your faith to be tested and strengthened.  Prove God faithful:  to answer your prayers, to strengthen you through the storm, to give you joy amidst trials.  Yes it must be possible because James 1:2 instructs us to "Count it all joy when we fall into various trials....".   "Is he for real?",you ask. Yes he is.  He goes on to say, "Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience."  Patience is a fruit of the spirit.  Our lives are meant to bear fruit.  Fruit to bring glory to God.

I had recently planted a new shrub out the back of our home.  The wind was blowing it about and I got fearful for its welfare.  My dear husband reminded me that it is by getting blown about that trees become strong and develop a good root system.  Of course, now I remembered that!  It's the same with us, with our loved ones; we so often want to be rescued or to rescue when we see the storms but that's how we grow.  If we need strength, wisdom or courage for negotiating the storm we need only to ask.  Jesus stands ready to help because He is our peace (Ephesians 2:14) and in His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). Perhaps it has been your habit when difficulties and trials come to run to the phone and call someone for comfort and wisdom.  Instead why not turn to your Bible and pray that God will be your comfort and your 'listening ear'.  You can find none better, none more faithful and kind.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, help me to thank  you in my difficulties.  Help me to see they have purpose  for my growth.  Help me not to fear what may come but allow you to be my shelter, my wisdom, my strength and my rock.  Amen

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. "Matthew 11:28

I wonder how many of you do life with an "I should"  mentality.  You do things because you feel you ought to rather than because you want to.  It's such an easy trap to fall into and it's often those 'shoulds' that keep us busier than we are meant to be.  Perhaps it's good to sometimes stand back and examine our own motives and ask ourselves "Why should I do that?  Do I need to do it?  Do I want to do it? Why don't I feel free to say that I don't want to do that without giving a reason?"

Often we do things because we fill gaps, take up slack that other people could just as well do.  If we are in the habit of doing that people will look at us and think that we think it's our job and they don't want to interfere.  It's good to include others when you can by encouraging them to help you instead of thinking, "I always get stuck with this!"

I am sure that Martha felt that way (Luke 10) as she slaved over food preparation for Jesus and his disciples while her sister Mary sat at Jesus feel absorbing his teaching.  Martha got so mad at the injustice that she took her complaint straight to Jesus. "Doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work. Tell her to come and help me."  Jesus reply would have surprised her.  "My dear Martha, you are distracted about all these details!  There is only one thing worth being concerned about.  Mary has discovered it - and I won't take it away from her."

Mary had discovered the rest of sitting at Jesus' feet.  She obviously wasn't into 'shoulds'.  I have to say that I would probably have been helping Martha in the kitchen, as much as I wanted to hear Jesus' teaching.  Mary was determined not to be robbed of that time no matter what her sister said.  She made an authentic choice and was comfortable with it.

Have you ever thought that coming to rest with Jesus is a form of worship?  It can be a real sacrifice when we see other things that should be done but it is something we (I)  need to learn to do better. Giving time to just 'be' in His presence pleases God so much.  It is a sacrifice that pleases him more than all our good works, because He knows that it will only do us good. Will you allow Him to help you prioritise your time in a way that pleases Him and benefits you.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, forgive me for so often putting other things before spending time with you. Please help me to align myself with your priorities so that I don't get overburdened but learn to come to you and rest.  Amen

Monday, September 14, 2015


Cast all your anxiety upon [God] for He cares about you.  
1 Peter 5:7

In the gym this morning (yes, that sounds impressive!), I was beside a conversation about how many commitments one lady was 'juggling' in a normal week.  Another lady said, "Don't even talk about it, I hang out for Friday!"  Now this was only Monday: oh dear!

As I thought about the juggling comment it occurred to me that 'managing' or even 'balancing' would have been a better word.  When you say 'juggling', it just sounds harder and what we tell ourselves by the words we use has a huge mental effect on us.  Juggling says 'tricky'  or even slightly out of control, whereas, to me, 'managing' or ' balancing' sounds more measured and controlled.

I know that it's just words but so often our words determine out mental and emotional state.  By just saying "I can't do this", "I can't wait till this is over"or "this is unbearable" we put more stress on ourselves, our anxiety levels rise and stress hormones course through our bodies with negative effects on our health and well-being.  It may be that we sometimes take on more than we should so it doesn't hurt to re-evaluate our load sometimes and see if we are doing things that we shouldn't be or that someone else in the family could be helping with.  Make sure your burden is YOUR burden and not someone else's you have taken up.  If that's all good then Jesus gave some sound advice in Matthew 6:34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." Concentrate on today's stuff.

One day at a time; sometimes one hour at a time. is the best way to do life when things seem to be overwhelming.  If we get caught up in the stress of the week on Monday we won't enjoy the moments
or look for moments.  Sometimes we don't even recognise our anxiety, but we need to because it will only do us harm.  Take Jesus into your moments and allow him to manage them with you.  He has promised us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for allowing my burdens and schedule to pull me down into a 'barely coping' mentality.  Help me to look for moments to enjoy, blessings you give, beauty to see and most of all help me to allow you to guide me and give me wisdom about how to do life. Amen

Sunday, August 30, 2015


A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.  Proverbs 16:9

Has there ever been a time when you thought you had things all figured out, 'all your ducks in a row', everything planned out perfectly then suddenly everything changed?  Life was going along so well then someone got sick or died just as your long-planned holiday was underway, or perhaps you lost your job or were transferred to another town.  It was like your plans had been picked up and thrown to the wind and you thought "Why is this happening God?"

I have been reading through the book of Samuel which tells the story of King Saul's disobedience to God and God's rejection of him as king.  Samuel, the prophet had been directed to anoint David as the future king of Israel but the waiting time was a time of great testing as Saul became jealous of David and tried to kill him many times.  David's heart was tested greatly.  He had at least 2 opportunities to kill Saul and take the throne but he determined to allow God to order the timing of his kingship even though the wait was long and hard. The story makes very interesting reading.

During the time of keeping his distance from King Saul David lived for some years in Ziklag amongst the Philistines, who enemies of Saul, and would sometimes go to battle with them.  On one particular day the princes of the Philistines complained to their leader and objected to David joining them in battle. David complained, but was overruled and I'm sure he wondered why.  As it turned out there were 2 good reasons why this happened.  One was that when David and his men returned to their city they found that it had been attacked by the Amalekites and everything and everyone had been taken captive.  Because they were there soon after this happened they were able to pursue the raiders and recover their families and their goods.  The other very good reason for them not to be on the battlefield that day was that it was in this battle that Saul and his sons were killed.  David could not be accused of having any part in it because he wasn't there. (1 Samuel 29 & 30).

We may not always know why things don't go the way we plan but God will always have a very good reason why it doesn't.  We have probably all heard stories of people who should have been on a plane that crashed, or some who had been delayed on their way to work in the twin towers in New York on the day they were attacked but something had prevented them from being there which may have been frustrating as it was happening. If your plans go awry, see if you can take a moment to say a prayer of thanks that God is guiding and ordering your steps; he will have a good reason to have changed what you had planned.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father please help me to willingly submit my plans to you and trust you to order my steps.  Amen

Sunday, August 16, 2015


...and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

Are you a 'rule keeper'?  I guess I have grown up that way; I was expected to keep the rules and I was a compliant child.  Not because I wanted to be for the most part.  I envied friends who didn't mind taking a risk and getting into trouble.  I was always afraid of the consequences of making a mistake. But let me be clear straight up, I am not saying for a moment that we shouldn't keep the laws of the land because we should (Romans 13:1-3 NLT).  They are mainly there to protect us.  But there were rules, particularly religious ones, that Jesus obviously had a problem with.

When the disciples were asked if Jesus was avoiding paying temple tax Peter came and asked him if it was true.  Jesus used it as a teaching tool for Peter then told him to go fish and the money to pay taxes for each of them would be in the first fish's mouth. (Matthew 17:24-27).  The religious rules that Jesus had a problem with were because they had become so many as religious leaders had added more and more rules over the years, rules that had become a hindrance to the grace and freedom that God wanted for His people.  Dare I tell you that God is a religious rule breaker? Let me show you.

When Jesus, (God with us) was hungry on the sabbath he plucked grain and ate it as he walked through the fields.  By doing this he broke a religious rule.  You were not to work on the sabbath, and picking grain was considered work! He healed the sick on the sabbath and got into trouble, not just once. He tipped over the money changer's tables in the temple.  I'm sure that was against the rules and he rebuked the religious leaders publicly for their hypocrisy.  I'm sure that didn't go down well.

The best thing that struck me in my reading today in Mark 5:25-34  was that Jesus healed a woman who was blatantly breaking the religious rules.  In fact it was one of God's rules (Lev 15:19).  This woman was desperate; she had been haemorrhaging for years, had spent all her money on doctors and was no better.  Jesus was her last hope but she wasn't supposed to be in public with her 'problem'.  She broke the rules and was healed.  Jesus did not specifically pray for her healing, she was healed as she reached out and touched his garment in desperate faith. She was not the only rule breaker that immediately comes to mind.  There were also ten lepers who were supposed to keep themselves separate from people.  Jesus didn't rebuke them for coming near, he healed them.

You see Christianity is about freedom and grace.  If you find yourself bound up by rules and regulations you are not free to live and make your own authentic choices - even if you don't always get it right.  If you fear making a mistake you don't understand the love and grace of God. Just look at Peter (Luke 22:61 & Mark 16:7).  Jesus said that when we know the truth (about God's love and grace) we shall be set free.

God is nothing about control but all about allowing us the freedom to choose. He warns us there are choices that will bring life and choices which lead to death.  (Deuteronomy 30:19). Much as he would like us to make choices that lead to life, he gives us the freedom to choose.

Prayer: Thank you loving God that you have given me the freedom to make choices in my life.  Help me to make choices that bring life, joy and freedom, and please give me a clear nudge when I begin to become rule-oriented. Amen

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Gifts - 3

Then the people rejoiced, for they had offered willingly, because with a loyal heart they had offered willingly to the LORD; and King David also rejoiced greatly. 1 Chronicles 29:9

In the past two Daydrops we have looked a little at the gifts that we have been given for the building up of the body of Christ, but I felt this time to look at a different angle;  another way we give into God's work.  My question is 'How much is enough?'

Jesus was a frequent visitor to the temple; teaching, challenging, observing.  Little escaped his attention.  I am inclined to think that he sometimes 'flew under the radar' as he sat with his close circle of followers.  The temple was a busy place with many comings and goings.  Recently my attention was caught afresh by a familiar story. Jesus was sitting near the treasury and visitors to the temple were putting their gifts into this box which would help with the upkeep and the work of the temple, rich and poor alike.

It was not those that were generous with their big gifts that he chose to make an everlasting example of.  The gift that caught Jesus' attention that day was that of a little lady, completely oblivious to the attention her donation was getting.  The sound of her two tiny coins (mites), falling in the box had a different sound to all the heavy coins that were more prevalent that day.  Did she feel ashamed that she could give such a small amount?  Perhaps she did, but Jesus commended her above all the others because they had given out of their abundance but she had given her last two coins.  Trusting that God would take care of her, she withheld nothing.

The work of the church costs.  It costs to pay our pastors and leaders and those who assist in administration.  We need money to feed the poor, help the needy, support our missionaries, run training, print literature and so on.  Churches can't run on fresh air.  That is why we are to give joyfully, not out of compulsion (2 Corinthians 9:7), recognising that all things comes from God and it is only of his own that we are giving back to him as David said. (1 Chronicles 29:14)

If we can give much then let us do it humbly and give God thanks and praise, but if we can only give a little it can be much more in the sight of God so we should also give gladly and not be ashamed. he will by no means despise the little.  Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroy and thieves do not break in and steal. (Matthew 6:20).

Prayer:  Heavenly Father thank you for your faithful provision of all that I need.  Help me to hold loosely the money you give and to be a joyful and generous giver, always thanking you for what I am able to give, whether much or little.  Amen

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Gifts - 2

I myself have selected your fellow Levites from among the Israelites as a gift to you, dedicated to the LORD to do the work at the tent of meeting. Numbers 18:6

I couldn't just write once about gifts as it encompasses such a huge area.  I cannot possibly do it justice but with God's help I would like to take it a little further.

As I read through Numbers recently I came across the verse above as though I had never seen it before.  The Lord said that he had selected the Levites as a gift.  How so?  They were especially designated to help with the practical work associated with the tabernacle.  God thinks of everything and has everything covered if we will all step up and do our part.....He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Ephesians 4:16.

As I thought into this I wondered if we realise what a gift we have in those who do the work of ministry in so many areas of church life. Usually it is left to a faithful few who get involved, working hard not only on Sundays but many times through the week, while the rest come as partakers on a Sunday.  That is certainly not how God intended things to be.  Look at Romans 12:4-8.... "For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function,  so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching;  he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness." When I sit in church I am often blessed by the beautiful flower arrangements which various people contribute.  I thank God for those who use this gift for His house.

Many and varied gifts are given to us individually by God's grace. And it is only by his grace that we can use them effectively.  If you are not in a church which makes way for you to use your gift then perhaps you need to ask God where and how he would like you to use it for his glory so that you too may be involved in building up the body of Christ.  He has a place for it somewhere.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift in my life.  Help me to know how to best use this to glorify you and help to build up the body of Christ.  Amen

Friday, June 19, 2015


                                                                                                 Photo by Barry Doig
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.  1 Peter 4:10 (NLT)
There have been a few birthdays in my world lately, including mine, and birthdays inevitably speak of gifts given or received.  But last night as I drove to my study group I had the Christian radio playing in the background and it caused me to think on a different kind of gift.  I wished later I had been listening more attentively to the lovely voice because as it finished the announcer said it had been sung by Joni Eareckson Tada.  Now this is one woman you will have no doubt heard of even if you don't know of the many gifts in her life which she has shared with the world.

Joni will be 66 years old this October and has lived a remarkably giving life in spite of becoming a quadriplegic after a diving accident when she was 17.  Her story tells of her anger and her struggles but her history tells of amazing victory in overcoming her handicap.  She is a great artist, (she paints by mouth), she has written many books, spoken in scores of places, is a radio personality, an advocate for the disabled AND she sings.  Freely she has given of herself in spite of the challenges she has had to overcome to do it. Her aim has been to glorify Jesus Christ who allowed this tragedy to occur and has chosen, so far, not to answer the many prayers which have been offered up for her healing.

I found this very humbling and it certainly stirred me to get writing again.  What excuse do we able-bodied people have for not using our God-given gifts for the help, blessing and encouragement of others inside or outside of our church.  Not only that, God does not limit us to only one gift.  We see many people who are multi-gifted and I believe that as we use and explore what gift or gifts we have, God is willing and able to allow us more.  Not for our own glory and satisfaction but for the building up of the Body of Christ and serving mankind in whatever way He may lead us.  If you need more convincing.....He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Ephesians 4:16. Each of us has at least one gift for which we are responsible and accountable. If you are not sure what yours is, ask yourself, "What am I passionate about? What do I love to do?" If it's cooking, teaching, caring, helping, encouraging, leading, whatever it is use your gift to bless those God puts in your path.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, thank you that you have gifted me.  If I am not using my gift as you want me to, would you please show me how and where to do that, so I can glorify you and do my part in building up the Body of Christ. Amen

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Visual Effects

“Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.   Luke 12:27

Recently I became disturbed to realise that I take so much for granted.  There are so many things that God has put around me that I never really stop to consider very deeply.  After a few housebound wet days I was out walking recently and enjoying the autumn colours.  I did pause to say thank you to my wonderful heavenly Father for the beautiful pictures He paints for us in nature.  As I enjoyed the beauty I realised that my spirit had lifted considerably and the colours, and my appreciation of them, had been a real tonic.

In a world that is struggling to keep its head above water with trouble on every side by way of famine, storm disasters, earthquakes, strife and wars; not to mention political problems, riots and personal issues that plague so many people, we need to take time to appreciate the beauty around us.  If we allow our eyes to take in the woes of the world on TV, if we are facing personal challenges of our own or those in our family or circle of friends, we can lose our sense of perspective.

It is so very important that we intentionally look for beauty around us.  Visual effects are very effective and the natural world affords many for our pleasure.  Also we need to take in the word of God which comforts and sustains our spirits.  As we read the scriptures God will speak into our needs and strengthen us for the path we are on.  Finally maintain an attitude of gratitude in all things if you can.  If your situation is so difficult that you can find nothing to be thankful for then thank Him that He is with you in it.....because He is. He said, "I am with you always".. Matthew 28:20 and "I will never leave you nor forsake you."..Hebrews 13:5.

Prayer:  Father, thank you for the visual effects you have placed around me, even to the tiny miracles of nature which with our amazing technology I can now see in full detail.  Thank you for your constant presence with me  even in my most difficult times.  Help me to lean into you and make your faithfulness my focus.  Amen

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Mind

                                                                                 Photo by Jenny Williamson

So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. Romans 8:6 (NLT)

When I have difficulty in sleeping, I have sometimes wondered how many lights I would see shining at 1 or 2 in the morning if I took a walk round my neighbourhood.  I know I am not alone in my wakefulness. Fortunately this only happens now and then and I haven't yet succumbed to taking a walk!  The thing I find frustrating, though, is that even lying awake, I find it difficult to focus my thoughts for very long either on scripture or to pray effectively for long. My mind just jumbles and rambles so in order to focus I need to get up, which I usually do.

I read something the other day which suggested that the mind is even harder to control than the tongue, I hadn't really considered that but of course it is true because our mind is the source of our words, good or bad (Matthew 12:34).

If our sinful nature, (that's the one that pleases itself, does its own thing, looks out for number one first and often enjoys focussing on the negative) is allowed to be in control of our thoughts, it leads to death (Romans 8:6).  For death you could read 'misery'.  We probably all know someone who is full of misery and woe.  That is because their mind is focussed on their troubles and themselves.  That is not what God wants for his people.  We have to allow the Holy Spirit to be in control of our mind and to do that we need to feed our mind the right 'food' and that is found in the Bible and good devotional books that will focus on hope which brings joy and peace in believing.

Today's world is full of negative news which breeds fear.  If we have a steady 'diet' of negative information and we don't counter it with regular input of God's word which contains instruction and hope, we will be on a slippery slide to despair.  As I look at Jenny's beautiful photo above, I see pure water which obviously comes from a pure source, but its also easy to find putrid, stagnant streams which have no life, no sparkle.  That illustrates perfectly the difference between the life controlled by the sinful nature and a life controlled by the Spirit of God. Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13. We are the ones who choose what will fill and control our mind.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father please help me to draw water from your pure spring of life, which is Your Word, so that my mind will be more and more controlled by You.  Amen

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save...... Zephaniah 3:17

There is a saying that you probably know well; 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.'  In other words, make the best of what you can out of what comes your way. This satisfies our need to make sense of our situation, but sometimes life just does not make sense at all.

You will probably remember poor Job.  His dire situation made no sense at all to him, or to his wife.  Their responses were very different towards the situation.  Job sat in contrite repentance and faith for a better day when God would come through as Restorer.  And He did!  Job's wife was extremely angry about the situation in all her grief, and understandably so.  Her advice to her husband was "just curse God and die." (Job 2:9). In other words,  "Put an end to your misery, get it over with."  She couldn't bear to see her husband suffer.  Those who have watched a loved one suffer pain and anguish will fully understand her response.

Job's friends, on the other hand had all the advice in the world.  They spoke with authority but without understanding, empathy or compassion. In fact their view of God was totally different from Job's. God dealt with them later.  We must remember that it is not necessary for us to provide a reason  for someone in their suffering.  Most people would rather have loving, silent empathy than pious talk.

I tend to think that Job believed what the prophet Zephaniah wrote in the above verse, even though the words had not yet been written in Job's day.  He knew that no matter what his situation God was still mighty to save and more importantly, that God was still with him. He humbled himself before God in his pain and  suffering and continued to believe that God could deliver him and vindicate him. And He did.

In your pain today will you choose to believe that the Lord your God is with you in the midst of your trial?  Will you allow him to work it out in His time and way?  If you find that too difficult you could ask Him to help you; for strength, patience, and peace.  He is always ready to come to our aid in time of need. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter (John 14:16), one who will strengthen and help us and walk alongside us.  Let your trial bring you closer to God as you trust Him  with your future. Bring God into the midst of your trial, He alone is mighty to save.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, you see my pain, you alone understand as no one else can.  Will you send your Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen me according to your word.  Amen

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


As you stood on the threshold of the new year, which is already 7 weeks old, did you wonder what it will hold: dreams fulfilled or dashed on the rocks, unexpected crises, loss of loved ones, success, failure, joy sadness.  Not one of us can know what each day, let alone a year, will bring with it.  But it is possible to step into it with a confidence that the God we love, loves us with an everlasting love and his ways are good.  Not only that, he is the one who will cause ALL THINGS to work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28). Not some things, but all things.  That is what his word says.  Our challenge then is to trust that word and expect that he will do just that.  We may not see it just as we don't see the legacy we leave, but remember the heroes of faith.  They looked for a Messiah who they never got to see, still they held onto the promise of God and their names appear in our Bible because they believed God's word would come to pass.

I had a little plaque that someone gave me years ago.  I kept it on my kitchen windowsill for many years until it was ingrained into my mind.  It read, "The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you."   How true that is, I have proved it over many, many years and in many different situations.

A similar reminder is found in 1 Corinthians 10:13.."The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."  There is nothing that this year can bring that you and God, together, cannot conquer.  He is faithful and true, he is merciful and just and his plans, as always are to give you a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Step out confidently into this day with a strong affirmation in your mind and your mouth, The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. Psalm 118:6

Loving heavenly Father, thank you for this new day. Thank you that you constantly watch over me and your steadfast love for me endures forever.  This year please help me to grow in confidence in your love and be a light for those who do not know you.  Amen

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

Early in this new year as we neared the end of our three and a half months holiday in Australia, (two and a half of which we had been making a final holiday in our caravan), we were praying for buyers for both the car and caravan.  We had been told previously by an acquaintance who has been in the caravan business that January was not a good time to sell vans as most people already had theirs and were on their long summer holiday.  This, of course, challenged our trust as we continued to pray for buyers of both or each of our advertised the vehicles.

As it turned out we showed the van to 2 people on the way back from our holiday and the second one purchased it.  The car was sold 2 days later and this is the story I want to tell you about because it demonstrates God's goodness to his people.

The man who called us on the Friday night turned out to be a Nepalese Christian man who had served with the British Forces in Hong Kong and was there at the same time we were.  He was very keen to buy our model of car because it had 8 seats and he had already followed up 2 similar vehicles which were not suitable.  The first one was in Melbourne and because he lived in Sydney and didn't want to waste a flight if the vehicle was not to his liking, after speaking to the owner and being satisfied that the vehicle seemed to meet his requirements and had the logbooks to prove the service history, he had a friend in Melbourne check the vehicle out. The vehicle sounded good and he was told it was worth the trip.  So he flew to Melbourne but when he asked for the logbooks he found he had been misled and they were not available, so he did not buy the vehicle.  To inspect the next vehicle he travelled a number of hours into the country but found that the interior was not good.  Again disappointment.

I imagine that he had made this purchase process a matter of prayer as we always do and was probably by then wondering to himself and perhaps to God, "Why is this happening?"  Then he found our vehicle and got the prize.  A vehicle which had logbooks and had been faithfully serviced, lovingly polished and kept in great condition by my diligent husband.

This was a reminder to me that we are sometimes too impatient and too easily discouraged when we don't have our prayers answered immediately.  We can also be too quick to think that maybe we are trying to move outside of what God wants for us.  If we can patiently press in and keep trusting our loving Father we will find that delays often only mean that we haven't found what's right for us yet. I am convinced that God always wants the best for his children.

Prayer:  Loving Father, thank you for your faithful love which is willing to allow me temporary disappointment in order to bring me to the place of your best for me.  Help me to patiently trust you.  Amen