Monday, February 11, 2013

Foundations - 3

Stand therefore, having tightened the belt of truth around your loins....  Ephesians 6:14

Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to have a relationship with someone who seems so perfect, has it all together, has an answer for every situation and never seems to make a mistake? It is almost impossible and very discouraging.  I tried to be that kind of person because I felt that's what God wanted.  It was about performance and it was not helpful to anyone, especially not to me or my family.

When I learned how to laugh at myself I allowed myself to make mistakes and life became so much easier.  It's good that I learned that a few years ago because I really need to be able to do that more and more these days. Those of my contemporaries will know what I mean!  Mistakes seem to happen so often.

I discovered (from Kris Vallotten in his book Spirit Wars, and checked it out for myself) that when Paul speaks about the belt of truth in Ephesians 6:14, the word 'truth' not only refers to God's word, but in a subjective sense it means 'truthfulness not only in our speaking but sincerity and integrity of character'.  Truthfulness is an important foundation in our life.

Truth is not only about the words we speak but the actions of our lives - how we present ourselves to others.  Many people hide, like I did, behind a wall of perfection or high performance.  They are afraid that to show themselves otherwise is to be vulnerable to rejection.  The opposite is more often true.  We frighten people off with our perfectness because they feel they can never be good enough for us. 

Others hide behind a wall of privacy, afraid to let anyone see what they are really like.  Their 'truth' is, "I've been hurt before, I'm not going to let you hurt or reject me."  As soon as you try to get close to them the wall goes up and you find yourself shut out, confused and frustrated that you can't have a real relationship with that person you really like a lot.

It takes courage to be vulnerable.  It also takes being able to receive and be comfortable in the truth of God's unconditional and unending love for us, because when we feel secure in His love we can love others and allow them into our lives. 

Loving Father, please show me if I have walls of protection in my life that prevent me from having meaningful relationships with others.  Help me to have the belt of truthfulness firmly in place in my life, trusting in you to be my protection and shield.  Forgive me for trying to protect myself.  Amen