Saturday, September 29, 2012


This same Good bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God's wonderful grace.  Colossians 1:6

There is a great market in today's world for motivational speakers; people who are gifted in speech and have the ability to inspire and motivate people to change their lives in significant ways.  To attend one of their conferences usually costs hundreds of dollars for just a day or two of teaching. When people leave those meetings they are armed with a manual that will guide them into making the changes they want in their lives and businesses, but their motivator is gone, moving onto his next meetings.

Believers have a manual for changing lives and it's called the Bible; Paul refers to it as the Good News, and good news it certainly is.  It is the word of God's wonderful grace and it has the power to change our life as we read and digest what it says, so long as we make the appropriate changes in our lives.  However, there is a great difference between the motivator's manual and the Bible.  The Bible is the word of the One who created us, the One who knows how we are wired for life.  Not only that, our manual comes with the best Motivator in the world, the Holy Spirit.  He stays, he never moves onto another meeting.  He's around to guide, teach and encourage us every step of the way.

Colossians 1:6 speaks of hearing and understanding the truth.  Sometimes we don't fully grasp with understanding all that we have when we come to Christ.  The great gift of grace is available freely but often we think that we have to go home and do it all ourselves.  We forget to call on the grace of God which is available for all our needs.  It is the grace of God which changes us, not our own trying.  We don't need to 'get it all together'.  The best thing we can learn is to daily come to God's throne of grace where we can find gace and mercy for every need. Let's do life with His help, it takes all the stress away as we lean into Him and stop trying to 'go it alone'.  He loves us to be dependant on Him.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you for your mercy and grace and thank you for the Holy Spirit who guides me into all truth and understanding.  Help me to lean more on Him and rely less on my own ability to change.  Amen