Saturday, August 28, 2010

Now is the time.... To Build A Bridge

"And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses
. Matthew 11:25

Recently I heard the sad news that a man had been informed by a solicitor that his mother had passed away…… six months earlier. They had been estranged for some years, I am not sure what the problem or issue had been, but obviously there was no contact and now this man is left with a whole lot of unresolved ‘stuff’. Perhaps guilt, anger, or even great sorrow that there had been no time to reconcile and say goodbye. How very sad and painful.

Life is full of challenges, especially in the area of relationships; sometimes even within our own families and for many and various reasons, but unresolved issues are not worth the pain they cause in the long run. Yes, resolving relationship issues can be difficult and very painful or even humbling, but the ‘fallout’ from broken relationships is much more damaging, not only to our emotions but also to our physical health.

Even if we think we have settled our issue in ourselves and it doesn’t bother us anymore, our body will probably tell us otherwise. Buried anger often manifests in depression, bitterness shows up as arthritis, just to name two ways that our body will tell us that things are not right. You see, our body is very connected with our spirit and if one is not right, the other is affected.

In the verse today it speaks about forgiving one who may have wronged us SO THAT our heavenly Father can forgive us. Mmmm, that sounds a bit conditional, don’t you think? Well, the next verse makes the point even clearer, "But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses." Vs 26. If we look at Matthew 5:23,24 it gives another slant to the subject, "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”

As believers in, and receivers of the love, mercy, grace and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are given no permission whatsoever to hold onto bitterness or unresolved relationship issues. If we do it will hinder God’s flow of forgiveness into our own lives and will most definitely have other harmful effects on our body. We are to be channels of forgiveness, mercy, grace and love to others thus demonstrating the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. For Jesus’ sake seek reconciliation before it is too late. Don’t be left out in the cold and don’t leave anyone else out in the cold.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to love and forgive as you do. Fill me with your love and grant me grace to walk worthy of you. Amen

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Now is the time... To Listen

Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Isa 55:2

After a phone call with a friend I set the phone down in frustration. I had been anxious to hear what was going on with her, but I, too, had some things I wanted to ask and some things I would have liked to comment on and go into further but she had talked so long and hard that I had no chance for much comment. It had been an unsatisfying interchange. But I know I have done the same to others!

Although to onlookers I would seem to be a person with many words because I can write and sometimes get opportunity to speak to groups, in personal conversation I am usually happy to be the listening ear. In fact I am a bit of a lazy communicator day to day. However, there are times when I have things on my heart to share or ideas to bounce off others (my best way of ‘thinking things through’), and that’s when I would like to be heard…… please!

As I thought about my frustration I suddenly felt rather guilty because I realised that I often treat God in the same way……. I come with my “please God list” and rattle it off and rush off to my day. Yes, I talk to God all through the day on and off but I have to confess that I don’t listen very much. I love it when God manages to break through and share an insight with me, or gives me words for a poem or a verse of encouragement for someone. It is so good to hear from the Lord that I am surprised I give so little time to really listening to him. In the verse from Isaiah 55 you will notice that it says “Listen, listen…”, an urging to listen well.

The children of Israel were always being called upon to listen to God; Psalm 50:7 "Hear, O my people, and I will speak..”; Psalm 81:8 "Hear, O my people, and I will warn you..”. The communication in their day was mainly spoken through the prophets, priests and kings.

When Jesus walked the earth the people were urged by God to listen to him. While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!" Matt 17:5. Jesus himself called the crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand.” Matt 15:10

We will only hear God if we listen to him. We can listen with our hearts by reading his written word and meditating on it, discovering what God wants to say to us for today; we can listen with our spirit by quietening our busy minds and focusing on God in praise and worship and in quiet; we can listen to the word of God preached; we can listen to each other. I love this verse….. The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. Isaiah 50-:4. Yes, we can hear God for others too if we will just give him the time to speak. We need to listen in order to be taught by God, and any good relationship is built on two-way conversation. Are you listening today?

Prayer: Thank you God that you are one who hears my cry and listens to my prayers. Help me to listen to you with an understanding heart and be willing to be obedient to what I hear. Amen

Friday, August 6, 2010

Now is the time.... To Reach for the Promise

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:13

The rainbow has become the sign used by kindergartens, businesses, philosophical groups, but rarely by churches. In fact some Christians have become suspicious of anything with a rainbow sign. I think that is a shame because the rainbow is the sign of God’s covenant to his people. Whenever I see a rainbow in the sky my heart is always reminded of God’s love and promises and it causes praise to rise from my heart to His.

There are times in life when we have to more actively reach for the promises of God than others; times when it’s a battle to remember and hold onto those promises. These are the times that exercise our faith and show what we are made of. In these times the psalms become a great place to meditate and take encouragement from. Many of the psalms (and many of my own poems) have been written from or during times of great difficulty and grief.

As I wrote the last paragraph I got a call to pray for a young couple whose lives will be impacted by loss. My heart goes out to them but I am most thankful for their strong faith, knowing that they have the promises of God’s comfort, strength and plans for their good to draw on at this time. The fight will be on, though, as they work through their grief and try to understand why’.

When bad things happen our first cry is usually “Why God, why?” It is a natural response to something we cannot understand, and it’s okay to ask the question so long as we realise that, this side of heaven, we may never have the answer. When we have asked the question it is then time to turn to God’s word for comfort and strength. The knowledge that He is my Father who loves me and is committed to me and no matter what catastrophes life can bring, His love will not change or diminish in strength. God is for me, so who can be against me.

I love the confession of the psalmist in Psalm 27:13 – 14 where he says, in the face of difficulty, “I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." That is, on this earth. Then he encourages himself, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Sometimes we just have to reach out for that promise, take hold of it and wait. Can you do that?

Prayer: Loving Father, please help me to grasp the promise and comfort from your word that I need today. Help me to confess your faithfulness and speak your truth, for your word, O Lord endures forever. Amen