Monday, February 10, 2025

Coming, Ready or Not!


                                            Photo by Barry Doig

Do you remember playing hide and seek in your childhood, or with your kids?  It was such fun, I don't know if it's still played but I suspect it is.  We would cover our eyes and count down from 30, 20 or 10, giving time for the others to find a hidey hole, then the hunt was on as we sang out "coming ready or not!"

I remembered that game this week as we got news of the death of our neighbour.  She had been in hospital, had surgery and was recovering well, until suddenly she suffered complications and within a few days she was gone.  She had been a lovely neighbour and we will miss her bright smile.  I am comforted by the lovely memory I have of serving communion to her at our village church service last month.  I like to think she was ready.

This morning on my way back from my cycling in the gym (it feels safer than being out on the road!), I called in to see one of my favourite ladies in the serviced apartments in our village.  She is in her 90's and lost her dear husband suddenly some time ago.  We always have a good laugh together and she always tells me she is very ready to join him in heaven.  

One thing we all know is that death knocks at our door whenever it is 'our time', and, whether we are ready or not.  I was certainly not ready to lose my father suddenly when I was 18.  Perhaps I would never have been ready.  But we all know that there are 2 things  in this world that are certain, death and taxes!

The Psalmist wrote, "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."  Psalm 139:16  (Read the whole psalm to see how God watches over us, his creation.)

You see, we cannot hide from God. He is there whether we believe in him or not.  He was there before the creation of the world, he was there before our birth. He was watching over us being formed in our mother's womb, he was there as we were being born. He is watching us  live our lives, wether we are living to please God or to please ourselves.  Then, when our days are over we will come face to face with him whether we are ready or not.

The Bible says, "And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment" Hebrews 9:27.  The judgment will not be based on whether we have been good enough because not one of us can ever be good enough for God.  Really?!!  Yes!  That is why Jesus Christ had to bear our sins on the cross and give his life a ransom for us. He said so himself.  (Mark 10:45. ) You and I will be judged upon whether we lived our lives, by faith, to please Jesus Christ, or wether we lived to please ourselves.  

My choice to believe, or not, determines whether I am ready or not.  I hope you have or will choose faith in Jesus Christ,  because he is the Lord and giver of life, our hope, our peace, and our joy.  He is most certainly my peace in these very uncertain times in which we live, because he has told us how it all ends.

 PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your gift of life, and the assurance that it is only by faith in you that we can inherit eternal life.  Amen

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Thinking about Grace

Grace is not a word that comes often into regular conversation.  We might think of grace as elegance, poise or charm, a graceful person, a ballerina.  It could also be used of politeness or good manners, or maybe a student being allowed a couple of days grace to finish an assignment.

For Christians, however, it is a common and important word to us because first of all it describes the God we worship...... He is the God of all grace.  The word 'grace' appears around 140 times in my Bible.  Why am I thinking about it today?  Well it came up in my reading of Acts 15 when Paul of was speaking to the Council of Apostles in Jerusalem about how God had been working in the lives of gentiles on their first missionary journey.  The Law, and grace, had become an issue that needed to be resolved.

Gentiles had never followed the Jewish laws, unless they had converted to the Jewish faith.  But now that the Holy Spirit was moving among the gentiles and bringing them to faith in Jesus Christ, some of the legalistic Jews were trying to make the gentile Christians follow Jewish Law, especially they were insisting that they must be circumcised. This contentious issue needed to be sorted out and so it was.  God's grace was applied to the situation, because it is only by grace that we are saved (to eternal life). No good works that we do can earn salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9)  It is only by faith in Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul had been a very legalistic Jew, obeying all the laws, knowing all the scriptures and chasing down the new Christians to 'bring them to justice and punishment.'  There was no grace in his life at all until Jesus appeared to him in a great light on his 'get the Christians mission'.  Jesus spoke to him, graciously corrected him, and changed him into one who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Messiah.  

Paul wrote much of the New Testament of the Bible, and he wrote much about grace because he had experienced God's grace touching him personally.  In 1 Corinthians 15:10 he wrote, "By the grace of God, I am what I am." He did not boast in the great knowledge and heritage he had, or by all the law keeping he had done, he called that foolishness. 

Evangelist J John says, there are 2 reasons why people don't want to be a Christian.  The first reason is that they haven't met one, the second reason is that they HAVE met one!  We laugh nervously and agree. But there is another reason that people may not want to become a Christian and that is that they think Christianity is a whole list of 'thou shalt nots.....'. That is so not true!

God wants us to live joy-filled lives so he tells us how to do that.  He wants our lives show his love, his mercy and his grace to those we meet. He doesn't promise a trouble-free life, but he does promise strength and grace, and peace for each trial. He is waiting to pour out his great Fatherly love into empty hearts and lives.

We can only come to God through His grace and mercy reaching down to us, we can only walk with God day by day by His grace.  We can do nothing to earn God's favour.  We can only please him by bowing our knee and acknowledging that it is His grace working in us that we can live for His glory.

BLESSING: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  Amen 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

It's a Whole New Year!


                                                       NZ Christmas Tree - Pohutukawa

Today is not only a whole new day, but it's a whole new year!  Are you filled with anticipation for what you have planned this year? Are you filled with anxiety, wondering what it will hold for you, your family, or for others close to you? Perhaps you filled with awe at what you have survived this year.  You probably know people in all three of these categories.  I do!

I just took a moment to check out what I wrote around this time last year and it still stands true.  I could write it all again but you can just go read it here! 

This past year we have proved again, that by God's grace we can be comforted in great losses, mourn with those who mourn, rejoice with others in their successes, new life directions and opportunities, and to sit with those who wait to meet their Maker. God surely is our very help in every situation.

Life is filled with opportunities to draw on God's strength in challenges, to experience his comfort in losses, to rest in his love when we feel a bit lost, and to hope in his Word when we don't understand what is happening in our life or in our world. Knowing that I can bring all my uncertainties to his feet and leave them there brings me such peace.  I don't have to stress, but just trust that God will fulfil his purposes for me and those I love. I leave you with these words from Psalm 134:6-8.....

Though the LORD is great, he cares for the humble,
but he keeps his distance from the proud.
Though I am surrounded by troubles,
you will protect me from the anger of my enemies.
You reach out your hand,
and the power of your right hand saves me.
The LORD will work out his plans for my life—
for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever.
Don’t abandon me, for you made me.

May God bless you with peace as you believe and trust in him in 2025.

PRAYER: Lord your word is true, you are faithful, you will work out your purposes for those who love you and walk through life in step with you.  Keep us faithful to you this year. Amen

Friday, December 6, 2024

Memories of Friendship

Dear Roy & Barbara,

It is 5:15 am on 6th December as I write.  In the last few years I have taken advantage of ‘retirement’ and taken to sleeping late….mainly because I go to bed late then listen to Christian podcasts.  So around 8 - 9 am is my rising time and I now have my time with God mid morning.

Today is different because at 4:50 am (yes I checked the time), one of our local blackbirds, who comes to bathe in our bird bath daily, and joins the sparrows and green finches in a morning breakfast ritual on our lawn (thanks to Col), decided it’s time to sing it’s pretty song.  At first I was irritated and then I thought, "no, I am thankful for the blessing of being able to hear that bird."  So began my early morning prayers and after 30 mins I decided to get up and have my quiet time so I brewed my coffee.

As I poured the amber liquid into my mug, my thoughts rolled back to many happy stays in your home.  The blackbirds didn’t wake me there, but the wonderful smell of your coffee brewing used to fill the air when I rose to have my time with God.  Often you had beaten me to the coffee and were already reading your Bible and writing in your journal in the lounge where I would join you in quiet fellowship.  

What wonderful memories I have of my times with you in Vero Beach, Florida…..Roy’s Cuban coffee, lunch in one of Roy’s ‘holes in the wall’ as you called them, fabulous mall shopping, floating in your pool, visiting Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay, eating at beach restaurants, visiting Roy’s sister, 'Miss Emily' and so on. 

Then there were Women’s Refuge events, planning, teaching times, fundraising lunch (or was it breakfast?),  counselling sessions, training sessions, meeting God’s wounded women who were finding healing and wholeness through your wisdom and counsel. 

There were long Sunday drives to Dunklin Memorial Rehab Camp to have Bible Study before church with Pastor Micky, then church with the men, often preceded by breakfast in the cornfields on the way, then ‘all you can eat’ chicken lunch somewhere else. If I look back through my journals I know I would find so much more of rich times we have spent together. Sometimes just me after a conference in the USA, and sometimes with Col as well.

Tomorrow (our time) will be Mr Roy’s' 90 something birthday' and I want to wish him a wonderfully happy birthday and to thank you both for the wonderful gift of your friendship and mentoring for over 40 years. Since our first meeting in Papua New Guinea in the early ‘80s we have shared so many happy times together not only in the USA but also in various places in Australia, perhaps in Hong Kong too.  How blessed we have been in the times we’ve shared.  

Now, sometime in the not too distant future, we can look forward to sharing eternity together because of our faith in Jesus Christ, our Saviour,  whose birth we will celebrate in less than 3 weeks time.  How blessed we are to have such hope! 

God bless you our dear ‘forever friends’,
Much love,
Jackie xx

Monday, October 21, 2024


It is normal, and expected that a child should grow up and mature, both in body and in understanding. We all have our own unique experience of this process, probably both the painful and the funny.  As a child grows into adulthood, the body changes, behaviour changes, thoughts and ideas change.  The process is not without pain!  Both parents and doctors would be concerned if a child did not follow a normal physical and mental growth pattern.  In such a case medical support and other help is given.God also expects growth in our spiritual life. 

This week I was reading John 3 where the religious leader Nicodemus came to ask Jesus about the things he was teaching and the miracles he was doing.  Jesus had a confronting word for him.  "I tell you the truth, unless you are born again you cannot see the Kingdom of God."  Nicodemus, understandably confused, asked how could such a thing happen when one was old. Jesus explained that this birth was one that came only by the Holy Spirit, and the revelation he brings to those who want to know God.

So how does spiritual growth take place for a new believer, sometimes referred to as a "baby in Christ"?  Just as a child has to go to school to learn how to read, to understand and to grow, so growth in faith only happens through studying God's word, hearing good teaching, and joining with others in worship.

Even Nicodemus, and later the apostle Paul, had much to learn and mindsets to change, even though they had both been thoroughly schooled in the Jewish faith and Law.  Jesus posed a threat to the teachers of the Law of Moses because he came with a new interpretation of the Law. He challenged them as he explained the spirit of the Law that God had given to Moses. Jesus' teaching was for the heart as well as the mind.

The writer to the Hebrews expressed a certain frustration with the people to whom he wrote in Hebrews 5:.....12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food.  And later in Hebrews 6:1...... "So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again.  Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding.

So how do we mature in our Christian faith and understanding?  By reading God's word, discussing it in fellowship with other believers, hearing the word taught through church attendance, and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us.  Jesus said this - "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. John 16:13.

One of the joys of the Christian life for me is that there is always something more to learn of God's ways, always new challenges to my thoughts and actions, always new growth to be had.  We should always be a work in progress, as our dear friend Gordon said to his pastor in the last week of his life on this earth. That is exactly the attitude that Christ wants us to have.

Prayer:  Father God, will you please help me to have a humble and teachable heart, always ready to hear your truth and alter my thoughts and ways to line up with your Word, that I might grow into maturity in my faith and understanding of You.  Amen

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Clear the Clutter & Make Space


This morning in our devotional time the words of a worship song were used. They said 'make space..'.  I was struck with these words as I looked at the clutter around me.  I have been playing at painting with water colours....with very mixed results!  (This pic is not one of them!)

In doing this I have surrounded myself, (in my lounge room I have to confess), with a lot of painting paraphernalia so that it is near to hand and reminds me to 'just do it'.  Practice makes perfect my mother used to say.  I was never very good at practising! This clutter is okay until I'm expecting visitors, then I quickly clear it away, cover it up and make space for my guests.  It's not all just to look good, it's to literally make space as half of one couch is, (right now), littered with paintboxes, paint charts and visual journals. 

The clutter that surrounds us can be so varied.  It can be busyness, pressure of work, demands of family, or physical clutter because "I just might need that one day".  The 'clutter'  may be in our lives out of a need to be liked, to please others, to look good or just to 'have stuff'.  There sometimes comes a time when we have to look objectively at the 'stuff' and ask "Is this hindering me or is it helping me?" However, there is other clutter that really hinders us that I want to address.

My thoughts, as I listened to this song about making space for Jesus, went to the Apostle Peter's words where he says "Get rid of all evil behaviour. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy and all unkind speech." 1 Peter 2:1 This is the kind of clutter is a real blockage to knowing the peace,  and the presence of God. 

Peter was writing to new believers who had been born again into the family of God and who now have a 'priceless inheritance which is kept in heaven for us'.  For this reason they were to get rid of all the corrupt behaviour from their old life. The Apostle Paul spoke similarly to the Colossians of putting off the old life and putting on  'the new you' and become more like your Creator.

If we are going to walk with Jesus Christ, we must clear the clutter in our lives which does not reflect him. We have to make space for him in our lives.  Space for reading the Bible, for fellowshipping with others, for worshipping together and being instructed and encouraged, and for praying - alone, and together.

Is there emotional, or physical clutter in your life which needs to be cleared to make space for Jesus? It will cost you something, maybe a lot, but it will be worth it.  The Apostle Paul wrote this, "Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ." Philippians 3:8. May God make us hungry for that infinite value of knowing Jesus.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for the priceless gift of new life in Christ.  Show me the clutter in my life that needs to go so that I can make space for you.  Help me to see the great value in knowing you and loving you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength." Amen

Monday, September 9, 2024

More Than A Crutch

Living in a retirement village I see many people on mobility scooters, pushing walking frames, using walking sticks and even using crutches post surgery....or after a fall.  These things are a reality of ageing, but very useful for keeping one up and walking safely.

Just this week I was chatting with an older man about the issue of personal faith.  His wife is a believer, but he is not, because, he said, "No matter how hard I try I cannot believe. I don't understand the Bible" He then went on to say, "I know everyone needs a crutch.....".  As I have thought on this comment, (it's certainly not the first time I've heard it), I'm challenged to say that faith in a creator God is certainly more than a crutch.  It is a whole, solid foundation for life.

Jesus told a parable about 2 men who each built themselves a house.  One chose the beach with sand as it's foundation, while another went to much more trouble, effort, and probably cost, and built his house upon a rock.  All was fine while the weather was good, but when the storm came the house on the rock was the one that survived.

For each of us life comes with storms, some that threaten our foundations leaving us with questions. Often these take the form of 'What did I do to deserve this?' or 'Why me?', or  'Why them?' or 'God what are you doing?'  That is normal.  I remember the lovely man of faith, Rev Charles Stanley telling the story of a  fall he took in later life which necessitated a time in hospital.  His question as he lay on the floor was, "God what are you up to in this situation?'  During his time in hospital he was able to share his faith in Jesus Christ and bring hope to others.  

Charles Stanley's faith was not a crutch, it was a foundation that could not be shaken. He knew he was in God's hands. He believed God's word which says, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good....." Romans 8:28.  The Apostle Paul who wrote those words also wrote this further on...."Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?........I am persuaded that NOTHING shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus". 

My friend's other problem was that he couldn't understand the Bible.  Perhaps that's your problem too. That is because there's a missing dimension in your life.  With a confession of faith in Jesus Christ, God's Son, comes the gift of the Holy Spirit who is the one who leads us into all truth."  He makes sense of God's word to us as we take time to study it.  It doesn't mean we won't still have questions.

I have studied the Bible with others for many years and there are still some things I don't understand.  However I know, and I believe in my heart that God's word is His truth and I have embraced it to become my truth.  It is the foundation of my life.  It doesn't feel anything like a crutch, it is a rock, a firm foundation, a comfort in times of questioning.  

It also brings a confidence and great peace, knowing that God IS in control in this floundering and crazy world, and that His purposes WILL be fulfilled.  For the followers of Christ, that is a foundation of hope in the perfect new world to come, when this one has run its awful course.

PRAYER: Father God, help me to have more than crutch.  May my foundation be faith in you and your Son, Jesus Christ and the truth of your word. Amen